Everything to know about disability employment providers

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DES is the acronym given to a disability service known as Disability Employment Services. People with disability are allowed to find work and keep it when opting to go for Disability Employment Providers.

People with health conditions, disabilities, and injuries can also be able to get assistance from disability employment providers when looking for work. The assistance provided by disability employment providers ensures the proper assistance, support, and preparation for disabled people when they need to work.

Disability Employment Providers are also known as DES Providers. The mix of small, medium, and large non-profit and for-profit organisations with DES Providers makes them the most experienced organisation in supporting disabled people. They also give employers much-needed assistance in supporting disabled people working in their businesses or companies.


Crucial parts of the Disability Employment Services


The two crucial parts of the Disability Employment Services include:

Employment Support Service

The Employment Support Service provides the best help for people with permanent disabilities needing to find work. The ongoing and regular support provided by the service to a disabled individual ensures keeping their job for a long time.

Disability Management Program

Finding work even when suffering from injuries, disabilities or health conditions becomes easier with the assistance provided by the Disability Management Program. The occasional support provided by the program to persons with disabilities ensures staying in their jobs.


The Role of DES in Mainstream Employment Services


Control and choice on the way they receive services while meeting their requirements and needs for employment services is the commitment of the Australian Government to Australians with disabilities.

The choice of participation

Being eligible for DES provides people with disabilities options to choose either to participate in DES programs or digital mainstream services. This empowerment provided by the government ensures that people with disabilities gain better control over the services they want in their employment search.

DES eligibility

The DES eligibility can still be accessed by people with disability at any time even when opting to get digital services. Requesting for a DES Provider referral can be accessed at any time by any DES participant. A DES Provider becomes a referral only when a disabled participant has not been employed within 12 months.

Training and Education

The commitment of the Australian Government toward increased employment opportunities for people with disabilities is solid. Long-term employment for people with disabilities becomes possible with the right training and education provided by the DES program.

Two-year Program Extension

The DES program started in 2022 has been seen by the government as a crucial tool for providing the right support and service for disabled people needing a job. To this end, a phased approach geared towards reforming the current disability employment program has been extended for two more years.

The reformed DES provides employers an opportunity for an untapped workforce that does not leave people with disabilities behind. The new design and model of DES will be based on experiences and consultations from people with disabilities, academics, representatives of disability providers and organisations, and employers.

The knowledge and experiences provided by the chosen panel of assessors will serve as the cornerstone of the newer and better-designed DES program. This ensures that Australians with disabilities will have brighter employment prospects and opportunities.



Employers and job seekers with disabilities are provided equal and better opportunities with the improved services and systems of the reformed DES program. Contact the leading disability employment providers to know more.




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